One day in the early 1990s I was paging through Hemmings Motor News, the bible of the antique car hobby, when I came across a surprising advertisement: an eighth-page ad for the Lambda Car Club, which simply proclaimed, “The Name Says It All”. It certainly did. I had no idea there was a car club for people like me, and thanks to a fortuitous introduction at the Hershey Car Show discovered my first club event. For the next several years I attended many, many Lambda Car Club events, made dozen of new friends, had a series of amazing adventures (most of which are best left undescribed), and met the man who would later become my husband.
Not bad for a social organization.
The years have passed, and the world changed. What had been a largely quiet, somewhat transgressive accumulation of LGBT people has become another part of mainstream culture. This past weekend the Lambda Car Club participated in its first nationally televised parade, part of Philadelphia’s July Fourth celebrations. We were somewhere between baton twirlers, Miss New Jersey, and a group of Pacific Islanders in rather noisy regalia.
Here’s a clip from the broadcast:
Watch for our red and white 1957 Dodge, featuring a genuine J.C. Whitney cow moo horn. While mores change, I refuse to be a slave to taste.
Best wishes,
Jim Shulman
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