Who is Jim Shulman and Why Do I Work with Driven Business Owners?

Driven Business Owners Get Stuff Done
They get more done when they’re guided on the right track, and are willing to accept direction. I have two coaches for my business (why stop with one?), invest a mint for their counsel, and get incredible results. I dislike being a hypocrite, so I make huge efforts to do the things I suggest to people, like working with a coach. I only work with motivated people I really enjoy, and I’ve designed my business to give me time for my family (my husband of sixteen years and my deteriorating eighty-something parents, who live fifteen minutes away in a care facility), my photography (I still develop black and white film), and my eternally needy 1957 Dodge Custom Royal sedan.

Solutions Beyond the Usual Suspects
Beginning in 1996 I’ve worked with a vast array of business owners looking for solutions. At first it was marketing solutions—brochures, catalogs, websites. However, I had a nagging feeling that there was something missing—that the solution wasn’t necessarily something that a printed piece could solve. That missing something was coaching: helping business owners discover what’s really important, what is missing in their business and personal life, and how to resolve longstanding challenges.

I Am Like My Clients
I crave time with other people who understand my world, and the loneliness of running an enterprise. I love people who are easily bored, are frustrated by other people who “don’t get it”, have a low tolerance for corporate bullshit, get pulled in fifty directions at once, need staff and hate managing, and have a wealth of other interests outside of work, starting with family.
The Origin of Elsinore Business Associates
The First Chapters of Our Story
The business dates back to 1996, when it was called Marketing Results. Incidentally, I still own that URL, and for a sizeable chunk of change would part with it. About every few months someone inquires about purchasing, then scurries when I quote a price in excess of three bags of millet. It became Practice Management with Jim Shulman, then as I worked with larger enterprises Business Management with Jim Shulman.
How the Heck Did We Come Up with “Elsinore?”
Since today there’s more than just Jim Shulman, the name changed to something more inclusive. There are already more than a few Business Associates, so I expanded the name to include Elsinore.

Elsinore. Character & Curiosity
Elsinore castle is the setting for Hamlet (a favorite of mine), where all kinds of intrigue lurks behind an impressive façade. Of course, if Hamlet had followed my advice he’d probably have avoided such a messy end. It’s no better or worse than most other business names, and from what I understand probably won’t offend anyone outside of Denmark.